Four towing laws that you need to know in California

Four towing laws that you need to know in California
Towing laws are good to familiarize yourself with; they can be the difference between life and death when it comes to your car. It is therefore important to carefully read and know the laws in California before driving in the state. Having this knowledge can save you a lot of your money, time and effort. Here are four towing laws that are important. Note that doesn’t mean other laws are not important.
Private property law
The law in California permits the property owner to haul a vehicle if it is parked in his/her property without involving the police. What this means is that your car is liable to tow if found parked at a private property without any warning. However, if the vehicle has broken down and is not functional, the owner of the property has no right to tow the vehicle. The private property owner must give a notice to the police after 24 hours that he or she intends to tow the car.
Posting laws
In public places, the signs must be properly mounted and visible. If the signs are not visible or the lettering smaller than the recommended size, the towing company has no legal right to tow your car and they may be committing a predatory towing. Any illegal activity should be reported to the police.
Fee Restrictions
The law prevents the towing companies from excessive storage fee provided the vehicle doesn’t exceed the 24 hour time frame before it is reclaimed. The law is in force to ensure that the owner of the vehicle towed does not pay more than required. If you notice you have been charged more than you were supposed to, you can report the towing company to prosecuting agency or the police.
Parking on a holiday restrictions
There are certain holidays and times of the day which parking is allowed and some other holidays and times parking is prohibited. This means you should always be on the lookout and be well informed on the right times to park to avoid being towed. Also, avoid parking on some building reserves. If you don’t know about what the California towing laws are and how they are important for the car owners then you must read this in detail.